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'We're being avoided,' says Hurricane Sandy survivor

When it comes to disaster relief, political wrangling over who gets what leaves people like Kathy Zito struggling to get by.

When it comes to disaster relief, political wrangling over who gets what leaves people like Kathy Zito struggling to get by.

Staten Island resident Zito lost her home to Hurricane Sandy, and on Saturday's episode of Melissa Harris-Perry, she shared her story. Armed with a mess of documents, Zito recounted waiting weeks for FEMA and the Red Cross to help her get a bed for her disabled husband. Zito only moved back into her rebuilt home last week, and to her and many others, the response from government has been sorely lacking.

"I am not feeling the love. It is a disgrace the way we're being treated, the way we're being avoided," Zito said. "We are not a foreign country."

Watch the discussion and tune in to Melissa Harris-Perry every Saturday and Sunday at 10 AM ET on msnbc.