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'MHP' Syllabus: 8.1.15

This Saturday on Melissa Harris-Perry, the case of Samuel DuBose.
Melissa Harris Perry MHP The Syllabus
Melissa Harris Perry MHP The Syllabus

This Saturday on Melissa Harris-Perry, the case of Samuel DuBose. The 43-year-old unarmed man who was shot and killed by University of Cincinnati police officer, Ray Tensing, during a traffic stop on July 19th. Authorities have recently released Tensing’s disturbing bodycam video of the stop and the moments leading up to the fatal shooting. A grand jury indicted Ray Tensing on charges of murder and manslaughter in Dubose's death, after spending all day on Monday reviewing evidence.

Joining Melissa Harris-Perry to discuss Samuel DuBose:

Also on MHP, we follow the NAACP Journey for Justice, as they mark the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act. Protesters will gather at the foot of the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, and preparing to march, once again, for racial justice. A six-week long, state-by-state march for justice addressing multiple facets of racial inequality.

Be sure to check out these interesting reads related to the discussion:

Then, the politics of Black Lives Matter and how a social movement for racial equality fits into the 2016 presidential elections. We ask how candidates are addressing issues surrounding race and how participants are holding the GOP candidates accountable.

All that plus, we continue our conversation on Sandra Bland. We discuss her public dissection and the perfect victim narrative. Then, Prisoner Pell Grants. We look at the history of restrictions placed on prisoners and ex-felons and felony disenfranchisement in voting. Joining #nerdland to discuss Pell Grants for prisoners are Rev. Vivian Nixon, executive director, College and Community Fellowship and Glenn Martin, president and founder, JustLeadership USA.

Be sure to read what we’ve linked above, and watch Melissa Harris-Perry Saturday at 10am ET on msnbc. Join the conversation—share your thoughts about these issues on Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #nerdland.