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GOP Rep. on IRS scandal: 'We need to get to the bottom of this'

A day after President Obama ousted his IRS chief over the targeting of Tea Party groups, Louisiana Republican Representative Charles Boustany told Jansing & Co.
President Barack Obama speaks on the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of conservative groups for extra tax scrutiny in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Wednesday May 15, 2013. Obama announced the resignation of Acting IRS...
President Barack Obama speaks on the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of conservative groups for extra tax scrutiny in the East Room of the White House...

A day after President Obama ousted his IRS chief over the targeting of Tea Party groups, Louisiana Republican Representative Charles Boustany told Jansing & Co. that he still has many questions.

"We want to know who made these decisions, where was the authority?" he said. "Why was the IRS consistently and persistently evasive and misleading in their responses to us?"

Boustany, who chairs the Ways & Means Oversight subcommittee, will open the first hearing into the IRS scandal on Friday. The IRS is under fire for subjecting Tea Party and conservative groups with extra scrutiny and red tape when they applied for tax-exempt status, starting in 2011.

"We need to get to the bottom of this," said Boustany. "I just refuse to believe that low-level officials ran completely amok on this. I think clearly that there had to be some direction."

Watch the full interview with Rep. Boustany below: