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Let Me Start: 'Shoe truthers'

Two words: shoe truthers--that, plus other headlines we're following today.


  • Newly-released documents around the investigation into the George Washington Bridge lane closings shows the depth of Gov. Chris Christie's staffing operations--"a network," The Record notes, "run by people so close tto him that he became physically ill when reading a story in The Record that showed they were involved in the George Washington Bridge scandal." (The Record)
  • How can the Republican Party avoid a "long and winding primary road" in 2016? Choose a candidate who will lead them to a humbling landslide defeat. (WSJ)
  • As Rand Paul and Ted Cruz try to repurpose the GOP as the "party of the middle class," they'll have to find a way to answer for why the Koch brothers' millions are keeping them afloat. (Daily Beast)
  • Two words: shoe truthers. (Talking Points Memo)
  • The latest hero on the far right? Anti-government rancher Cliven Bundy. (The Atlantic)


IN OTHER NEWS: #BostonStrong edition

  • QUOTE OF THE DAY: "One year later, we also stand in awe of the men and women who continue to inspire us--learning to stand, walk, dance and run again." -President Obama (NBC News)
  • NUMBER OF THE DAY: 8--that's how many runners NPR has been following over the last year as they prepare for this year's Boston Marathon. The result: a year-long Tumblr project called "Running Toward Boylston." (NPR)
  • TWEETS OF THE DAY: All five major Boston-area professional sports teams tweeted the same message at 10 a.m. ET on Tuesday. (Mashable)