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Let Me Start: Where is Flight 370?

From a missing jetliner to sanctions on Russian officials, here are a few headlines we're following today...

MISSING: It's been more than a week since Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 took off from a Kuala Lumpur runway en route to Beijing, and vanished without a trace with 239 people onboard. As details have emerged about the jetliner, the mystery has only raised more questions--but fewer answers have been provided. 

  • New Information on Missing Jet Raises More Questions (NBC News)
  • Missing Malaysia Airlines jet may have flown under radar: investigators (Sydney Morning Herald)
  • Malaysia Backtracks on When Airliner's Communications Were Disabled (NY Times)
  • The Malaysia Airlines Pilot's Politics (Slate)

PROGRESS?: "Last March, a Republican National Committee task force issued a scathing 100-page autopsy on what went wrong for the party in 2012, saying voters see the GOP as a “scary” group of “stuffy old men” who are “out of touch” with an increasingly diverse country. It called on the party to broaden its appeal by doing everything from backing immigration reform to beefing up its digital operations to reining in its drawn-out presidential primary process.

A year later, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus says he’s made major progress on implementing the report’s recommendations. But, as Republicans grow increasingly hopeful they can take back the Senate in this year’s midterms, Priebus cautions that the GOP still isn’t in the shape it should be if it wants to win the White House in 2016 — a national race that will bring out a more youthful, racially diverse electorate." (Politico)

SANCTIONS: "“The international community will not recognize the results of a poll administered under threats of violence and intimidation from a Russian military intervention that violates international law,” a statement from the White House read on Sunday. “No decisions about the future of Ukraine should be made without the Ukrainian government.”

The sanctions do not target Vladimir Putin, an extraordinary circumstance the U.S. said it would try to avoid, but does focus on several of his close aides and officials including Viktor Yanukovych, the deposed president of Ukraine." (MSNBC)


  • NUMBER OF THE DAY: 4.4--that's the recorded magnitude of an earthquake that hit Los Angeles early Monday morning.