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Let Me Start...

Supercommittee=Super Failure. Congress blew it.

Supercommittee=Super Failure. Congress blew it. But will Democrats now line up behind President Obama's vow to veto any move by the Republicans to undo those automatic cuts -- the price of Supercommittee failure? The President took a stand last night -- he showed real leadership in not letting a do-nothing Congress off the hook. Does he now have a narrative to carry him to re-election?


Jonathan Chait writes in New York Magazine about why liberals are never satisfied with Democratic presidents.


And take a look at the misleading new ad by Mitt Romney going after President Obama. Trouble is, Mitt's taken Obama completely out of context with the quote "If we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose." The full quote - which Obama said during the 2008 campaign - was ““Senator McCain’s campaign actually said, and I quote, if we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose.”