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All In Agenda: So, about that Obamacare rollout...

It's been almost three weeks since the Obamacare exchanges opened, and while some some of the technical kinks have been worked out, reviews are still mixed.

Friday night on All In : Now that the budget crisis is over (for a few months), Washington can turn its attention back to October's other big news - the Obamacare rollout. It's been almost three weeks since the exchanges opened, and while some some of the technical kinks have been worked out, reviews are still mixedEzra Klein, MSNBC Policy Analyst and Columnist for The Washington Post, Dr. Kavita Patel, former Director of Policy at the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement, and Dr. Donald Berwick, former Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and current candidate for Governor of Massachusetts, will join Chris Hayes to check in on how the enrollment has been going.

Later, Chris Hayes will introduce viewers to Congressman Steve Stockman of Texas. Rep. Stockman is a Tea Party favorite who favors cutting government spending but introduced a measure to keep NASA - located in his district - funded during a shutdown.

Col. Morris Davis, former Chief Prosecutor at Guantanamo Bay, will also join Hayes to talk about President Obama's nomination of former Defense Department General Counsel Jeh Johnson to be the next Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Perspectives on Johnson and his experience vary, but his justification of some of the U.S.'s more unseemly counterterrorism tactics has been sharply criticized.

Plus: Amy Davidson, Senior Editor at The New Yorker, and Josh Barro, Politics Editor at Business Insider, will join the table to talk about the electoral fallout of the shutdown. 

Tune in at 8PM ET on MSNBC.