Thursday's Mini-Report, 3.30.17

Today's edition of quick hits.

Today's edition of quick hits:* Muslim ban: "A federal judge in Hawaii on Wednesday extended his previous ruling blocking President Donald Trump's so-called 'travel ban' that would have restricted entry to the United States by refugees and people from some predominantly Muslim countries."* Following up on this morning's post: "A deal that North Carolina lawmakers reached to repeal the state's controversial and costly 'bathroom bill' passed on Thursday after a contentious debate -- but the compromise has left LGBTQ advocates exasperated, with some calling it 'shameful' and an 'outrageous betrayal.'"* There's just no defense for this: "Gov. Sam Brownback has vetoed legislation that would have expanded Medicaid to cover 150,000 low-income Kansans, setting up another showdown between the Republican governor and a state legislature that shifted toward the political center in the last election."* Somalia: "President Trump has relaxed some of the rules for preventing civilian casualties when the American military carries out counterterrorism strikes in Somalia, laying the groundwork for an escalating campaign against Islamist militants in the Horn of Africa."* Some consequential, Title X drama on the Senate floor today: "The Senate needed a senator just returning from back surgery and the vice president to break a tie just to proceed to a measure that would allow states to restrict funding to health care providers that provide abortion."* Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.) has endorsed the creation of a bipartisan, independent select committee to investigate the Russia scandal. Congressional GOP leaders remain opposed to any kind of independent probe.* The latest ethics flap: "Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's disclaimer before promoting a movie he produced does not clear him of potential violations of ethics rules, experts said. Mnuchin's comments last week urging people to send their children to 'The LEGO Batman Movie' prompted Sen. Ron Wyden, the ranking Democrat on the Finance Committee, to inquire this week on the Treasury secretary's progress of divesting his financial assets."* Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) has found himself "under criminal investigation by the Justice Department over alleged campaign violations," but he "insists he did nothing wrong. Hunter won't say who is responsible for tens of thousands of dollars in campaign charges for personal expenses, but he says it wasn't him and he's broken no laws."Anything to add? Consider this an open thread.