The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell, Transcript 11/7/2016

Guests: Larry Sabato, Ana Marie Cox, Tim Miller, Steve Schale, Max Boot, David Frum, Katie Packer


Show: THE LAST WORD WITH LAWRENCE O`DONNELL Date: November 7, 2016 Guest: Larry Sabato, Ana Marie Cox, Tim Miller, Steve Schale, Max Boot, David Frum, Katie Packer

RACHEL MADDOW, MSNBC HOST: All right, that does it for us tonight, we`ll see you again tomorrow, now it`s time for THE LAST WORD with Lawrence O`Donnell, good evening Lawrence.

LAWRENCE O`DONNELL, MSNBC HOST: Rachel, you`re not going to sleep a wink tonight.

MADDOW: It`s been a while since I`ve slept already and it`s definitely --


MADDOW: Not going to start tonight --

O`DONNELL: Yes, thank you Rachel --

MADDOW: Thanks, Lawrence, see you soon.

O`DONNELL: Well, here we are, the last hours of the last day of what now feels like the longest presidential campaign in history.

This is the night where everyone gets their last word. I will get my last word at the end of this hour. A five-minute indulgence on my final words on this campaign.

But first, we will give you our final projection for the electoral college tomorrow.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Tomorrow, we face the test of our time.

DONALD TRUMP(R), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Good luck, get out there, I did my thing.


AL GORE, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Take it from me, every vote counts.

TRUMP: Have you been seeing the polls by the way?


OBAMA: I want you to tune all that up.

KHIZR KHAN, FATHER OF HUMAYUN KHAN: Captain Humayun Khan taught us that caring for others, caring for your nation should be the product.

CLINTON: We don`t have to accept a dark and divisive vision for America.

TRUMP: Stupid people, they`re stupid, everything`s bad.

OBAMA: You know, it`s bad enough being arrogant, it`s bad being arrogant and not knowing anything.

TRUMP: Nice set of hair, I`ll say it.

JOHN OLIVER, COMEDIAN & TELEVISION HOST: He has really stupid hair.


TRUMP: Honestly, folks, what do you have to lose?

CLINTON: Be hopeful, inclusive, big-hearted America.

JOE BIDEN, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We never break, we never bow, we never yield, we always overcome.

MICHELLE OBAMA, FIRST LADY: This country has always been great.

OBAMA: Let`s go finish what we started, let`s elect Hillary Clinton.


O`DONNELL: And so, as the ugliest presidential campaign in the television age draws to a close tonight, much of America is gripped in fear.

Fear that the presidency will be handed over to ignorance, incompetence and bigotry. But the latest polls indicate that if everyone who intends to vote tomorrow does vote tomorrow, America should have nothing to fear.

Donald Trump has taken this country to the brink, and tomorrow voters are likely to take it back. We have one final electoral college projection for you.

This one from Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics. And joining us now is Larry Sabato.

With that projection, Larry, the last time you were on, it looked good for Hillary Clinton on your electoral college map, but you had not called every one of the states, what`s your final tally?

LARRY SABATO, DIRECTOR, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA CENTER FOR POLITICS: Yes, we foolishly have called them all, Lawrence --


SABATO: And our projection, I`m sure we`re wrong on some, but our projection is that Hillary Clinton will get 322 electoral votes and Donald Trump will get 216.

And that includes Clinton carrying Florida, North Carolina and New Hampshire, which seem to be the closest states right now.

O`DONNELL: And Larry, what are the -- what are the biggest stretches you`re making there in favor of Hillary Clinton, and what are the biggest stretches you`re making there in favor of Donald Trump?

SABATO: North Carolina is the one that gives us heart-burn, because it is very close. Everything we can see suggests that it`s close.

The reason we`ve given Clinton the edge -- well, there are a lot of reasons, but one is they just have a much better ground game.

They do in almost all of the battleground states. It`s helping them in Florida, it`s helping them in a lot of these states.

For Donald Trump, I would point to Ohio, you know, we`ve gone ahead and put that in Trump`s camp, but people we rely on and one of my great people at the Crystal Ball, Carl Condit(ph) wrote a book called "Bellwether" about Ohio which came out this year.

So, his contacts are the best. And they keep telling us that it`s much closer than people realize. And that Clinton might be able to pull out a victory there, but right now you`d have to give it to Trump.

O`DONNELL: All right, I just want to, it`s hard for me to see the graphics on our screen from where I am sitting oddly enough.

But there`s two different numbers I think I`ve seen on our screen. One says 322 for Hillary Clinton, the other says 332 for Hillary Clinton.

And I just want to get this straight, is it 332 to 216 or 322 to 216?

SABATO: Three hundred and twenty two to two hundred and sixteen.

O`DONNELL: OK, so, just --

SABATO: No toss-ups.

O`DONNELL: All right, we`re going to -- we`re going to make sure the graphics are right on that. We`re joined now by Ana Marie Cox, also with us Tim Miller, former communications director for the Jeb Bush`s campaign.

Ana Marie, so America has nothing to fear according to every electoral college projection including the one today on Fox News which has Hillary Clinton at 274.

ANA MARIE COX, SENIOR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT, MTV NEWS: Right, well, we don`t have maybe to fear a Trump presidency. I mean, there`s still a lot to fear.

I mean, like -- I mean, I think now my biggest fear is that people -- if Trump is defeated, we`ll all like, you know, wipe our brows and sigh and just move on and think that that`s going to be it.

You know, we -- the horror movie has ended and the monster has been defeated, now we can move on.

I think, you know, the sad truth is that Trump`s popularity revealed some really ugly things about our country, and we`re going to need to work on that.

I am hopeful this is going to be a fairly resounding victory and that is going to put some shame back in people about the kinds of things that have come up during this election.

O`DONNELL: Tim Miller, one thing that those of us who were wrong about the rise of Donald Trump. I remember when he hit 12 percent in the polls of Republican primary voters, I remember saying, well, you don`t think he`s going to get higher than that.

And the thing that I was underestimating it seems to me is just how much and what kind of hatreds Donald Trump could stimulate in voters.

What is it that you think Trumpism is, and what do you think it will be after this election, if Donald Trump loses?

TIM MILLER, POLITICAL STRATEGIST: Well, look, I think Donald Trump really stoked a lot of fears and anxiety and grievance within the electorate that was bubbling under and ceded a masterful job at using that to his advantage.

But, you know, let me be the opposite coin to Ana Marie on that. And let`s look at the optimism at Larry`s map.

I mean, if Larry`s map comes to fruition, what is going to happen is that Hispanic voters in Nevada and Colorado and Florida are going to be the ones that put Hillary Clinton over the top.

So, after Donald Trump demeaned and denigrated them and threatened to deport their families, what is more American than Hispanic immigrants exercising their constitutional rights tomorrow and families of Hispanic immigrants exercising those rights and being the ones to put the nail in Donald Trump`s coffin.

That`s the one positive that I can point to tonight.

O`DONNELL: Larry Sabato, what do you -- what do you see in the polling that might tell us what to expect from Trumpism in the future?

SABATO: Well, obviously, he has drawn significantly and disproportionately from white, blue collar, non-college voters.

And I`ve seen a new development in different regions. In the northeast -- excuse me, in the Midwest, in the Rust Belt, I think over time, those states may well become more Republican.

But for the very reason that Tim just cited, some of the southern states, not just Florida, but other southern states, and certainly other western states are going to become more Democratic.

So, I think the party coalitions are changing, and therefore, the coalitions in the electoral college will change. If I can just add one number, and I often cite the polling group, Latino decisions because they do a terrific job.

They have their final report, they do extensive polling in a way that most polls don`t do. They have a small Latino sample and they make frankly, terrible projections based on that. But Latino Decisions interviews thousands and thousands of Latinos, 76 percent in that vicinity.

Seventy six percent indicate they have already voted or will vote for Hillary Clinton. That`s five points higher than President Obama got, and he set a record in 2012 with Latinos.

Where is Donald Trump? He`s at 16, 16 percent. If you remember when we criticized Mitt Romney because he did so awfully with Latinos, and his was a new low for a Republican in the modern age at 27 percent.

There is Donald Trump, maybe he`ll get to 20 percent, but it will still be a new low, gee, I wonder why? What could it be that caused all of those Latinos --


O`DONNELL: I`ve got a guess --

SABATO: To show up at the polls.


O`DONNELL: Yes, and Ana Marie, demographics and the future of demographics in this country are against Trumpism.

COX: Well, they`re against the GOP as well, which is a little surprising for me to hear Tim be optimistic.

Because I know, I heard people during the run-up, one of the reasons that Republicans were so aghast at Trump`s rise and there were so against it for the future sake of the future of their party is that, you know, as one Republican consultant said.

To me, he`s going to do for Latinos what we did with the southern strategy with African-Americans. Which is to say, lose them for generations.

And if that happens, the GOP, it cease to be a national party. You just can`t put the demographic plugs together to create a national party.

I mean, I don`t know if that`s exactly what`s going to happen. I mean, our nation, you know, sort of functions as two parties, so it might limp along for a while longer, but I don`t know what it`s going to look like.

O`DONNELL: Tim, what --

MILLER: Yes --

O`DONNELL: Are you looking for in tomorrow night`s results as the beginning of the discussion within the Republican Party about how to rebuild itself into something resembling a coherent party?

MILLER: Yes, I mean, I was optimistic about that one tiny facet for tomorrow, Ana Marie --


MILLER: But no, I have a lot of pessimism about where the party goes. Look, there are two paths, you know, we either diversify as a party or we die as a party. And those are the paths forward.

And I think there are going to be a lot of people, a lot of Republican consultants coming on shows like this on Wednesday and they`re going to say, you know, if we took Trump`s message to working class voters and just eliminated all of his misogyny and, you know, all of his -- maybe lack of tact, then we would have won.

That is totally wrong. That -- and if we go down that path, we`re never going to win the presidency again.

You know, the only path is to reject that and to have a new dynamic party that welcomes in young voters and Hispanics. And there`s going to be a fight going on within our party for the next four years on that very point.

O`DONNELL: Let`s listen to what Michelle Obama said tonight in her final words about this campaign.


OBAMA: Tomorrow, with your vote, you can stand up to those who seek to divide us and make us afraid. You can declare with one voice that we are always stronger together.

Tomorrow, with your vote, you can say that this country has always been great. That this is the greatest nation on earth.


O`DONNELL: Ana Marie, it`s only on the Clinton side of this campaign that you hear both Hillary Clinton and people speaking for her like Michelle Obama.

Saying things that you can imagine versions of them being said four years from now in another future-looking presidential campaign.

It`s hard to think of anything that`s been said in the Trump campaign that you can imagine being said four years from now.

COX: I thought you might take that into -- in saying that there are things being said by the Hillary Clinton campaign and her story gets -- that would have been said by Ronald Reagan. There would have been --

O`DONNELL: That`s true --

COX: Said 20 years ago --

O`DONNELL: That is true, sure --

COX: I mean, this is -- this is --

MILLER: And the Bushs --

COX: Right --


COX: The Bushs as well, but this is a Democratic Party that has reclaimed the mantle of patriotism, that reclaimed the mantle of faith --

O`DONNELL: Optimism --

COX: Optimism, you know, American exceptionalism, Michelle say that we`re the greatest country on earth. It makes me proud to be an American to hear those words said.

And that you know, the Democratic Party has had some -- been conflicted about that kind of patriotism for, you know, reasons that have to do with our foreign adventures and what not. It is nice, it is lovely, it is inspiring to be able to simply say, "I love my country."

O`DONNELL: Yes, Larry Sabato, a quick word for us before you go, looking at the returns tomorrow night and looking at the margins that you expect in the various states, what would be the first state that will tell us the story, do you think?

SABATO: Well, you have early returns even from Virginia. And in Virginia, certainly, Hillary Clinton should win by 6, 7 points, something like that.

Now if -- it`s close, it`s because northern Virginia tends to report much of its vote last, including their giant absentee voting precinct.

So, maybe that`s not the best example. I think we`re all going to look at North Carolina, because North Carolina will tell us something important.

If the vote is really close there, that`s a very good sign for Hillary Clinton, whether she carries it or not.

If Trump takes a sizable lead and it holds up, then it suggests that we`re going to have a long night.

O`DONNELL: Larry Sabato, Tim Miller, thank you for joining us. Ana Marie, we`re going to need you in another segment.

Coming up, if Hillary Clinton wins Florida, it really is all over for Donald Trump. And our next guest is the man who President Obama relied on to win Florida.

He`ll tell us how it looks in Florida. And also, Hillary Clinton is not the only candidate on the verge of a historic first tomorrow.

And later, the last five minutes of this hour will be my last word about the strangest presidential campaign I have ever seen.


O`DONNELL: We just had a live shot on board Hillary Clinton`s campaign plane, but they just shut that shot down. The plane is about to take off for the next stop.

Florida, we all remember Tim Russert saying that. Tomorrow night, Florida could end it all for Donald Trump. Our Florida expert joins us next.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tim gets his board out --

TIM RUSSERT, LATE: They need Florida -- let me show you one more time. This is it, right here, Florida.



O`DONNELL: We wish we had Tim Russert to guide us through election returns tomorrow. But he`s still right, it`s all up to Florida.

Without Florida, Donald Trump cannot win the presidency. Nbc`s battleground map released today shows Hillary Clinton with enough electoral votes to win the presidency without winning Florida.

It shows her at 274. If Hillary Clinton does win Florida tomorrow night, that is the end of the story. Both candidates have campaigned in Florida more than any other state.

With Hillary Clinton visiting 28 times and Donald Trump visiting 39 times, including a final stop in Sarasota earlier today.


TRUMP: This is it, folks, we will never have another opportunity, not in four years, not in eight years, it will be over with Supreme Court Justices, with people pouring into our country.

This is it, this is it. Good luck, get out there, I did my thing, I mean, I worked.


O`DONNELL: President Obama was in Florida yesterday campaigning for Hillary Clinton.


OBAMA: If we win Florida, it`s a wrap.


We win Florida, it`s over. So, we`ve got to work our hearts out this week, these next two days as if our future depends on it.


Because our future depends on it.


O`DONNELL: Joining us now, Steve Schale, Democratic strategist and the former Florida state director for Obama 2008 and senior adviser for Obama 2012.

Steve, kill the suspense, who`s going to win Florida?

STEVE SCHALE, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: Well, I`ve got to ask today how I feel on a scale one to ten, and I put it at about a nine.


SCHALE: Yes --

O`DONNELL: Nine --

SCHALE: I would have --

O`DONNELL: Give us your nine, we`ll take a nine.

SCHALE: So, nine, I like where Hillary Clinton is. I mean, since we talked last week, you know, the race has really kind of gone her way.

I mean, they`ve done a great job turning out what we call these low- propensity voters, she`s got about 250,000 vote advantage with them.

And when you see the turnout in Miami, in places like Orlando, with particularly Puerto Ricans and non-Cubans, Hispanics.

I don`t have an adjective to describe it, I mean, it`s just -- it`s really remarkable.

O`DONNELL: And Steve, there`s a latest Florida poll from Quinnipiac showing Hillary Clinton at 46, Donald Trump at 45.

And that`s the kind of thing that makes people very nervous. What do you - - how do you read that?

SCHALE: Well, yes, I think at this point, you know, the polls don`t really mean much. We`re really are down to actually looking at real vote.

To me, we`re probably 65 percent to 70 percent of this election is already been over. You know, when you look at the demographics right now, I can tell you one thing, it`s much more diverse than voters thought it will be or pollsters thought it will be.

I mean, we`re looking at an electorate right now which is 2 points more diverse than it was during Barack Obama`s win in 2012.

No pollster had that in their model. So, again, I mean, this thing is really shaped up very nicely for her because you got to go block and tackle tomorrow and get it done.

O`DONNELL: Let`s listen to Donald Trump analyzing the Florida vote for Hillary Clinton.


TRUMP: One of the things they`re seeing in a couple of these states like Florida, African-Americans aren`t turning out, and when they do, there are a lot of them voting for Trump.

I`m getting so many more than was anticipated.



I think the same is going to be true with Hispanics. We`re going to do great with the African-Americans, we`re going to do great with the Hispanics, and the other side is starting to see it, and they are not happy. They are not happy.


O`DONNELL: Steve Schale, your reaction to that?

SCHALE: I want what he`s drinking. I mean, I don`t know where he`s seeing it. I mean, yesterday, I went to (INAUDIBLE) the polls that actually I`m hosting from Turkey this week who are observing our election.

So, we went to an AME church in Orlando and they went to a polling site, and about noon yesterday, there must have been 300 people, 400 people already lined up.

And I don`t think there was a lot of them there voting for Donald Trump. And I think, listen, I think there has been a secret vote.

People keep talking about this secret vote of people coming out of the woods for Trump, we`re seeing it. But it`s for Hillary Clinton, it`s for African-Americans and Hispanics.

O`DONNELL: Steve, your best guest, what time tomorrow do you think Florida will be called?

SCHALE: Yes, so, I think it`s sort of two scenarios. I mean, if she wins Florida by say two or three points, we`re going to know -- I would say, even by 8:00.

You know, most of the state votes before the votes end at 7:00 Eastern, about ten counties are west of the Eastern Time zone and finish at 8:00.

You know, Trump will win those counties by maybe 250,000 votes. So, if he`s got, you know, a big number lead coming out of Dade and Broward before 8:00, I mean, I think it`s pretty much done.

If it`s -- if it`s going to be narrow, it`s going to be pretty late.

O`DONNELL: Steve Schale, thank you very much for joining us tonight, I really appreciate it.

SCHALE: Hey, thanks, Lawrence.

O`DONNELL: Coming up next, the Republican case for voting for Hillary Clinton, and later tonight, the last few minutes of the show, my last word about this election year.



OBAMA: The choice we face when you step into that voting booth could not be clear. Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit to be commander-in-chief.



This is not -- this is not just my opinion. This is the opinion of a lot of Republicans.


O`DONNELL: Joining us now, two of those Republicans, David Frum; senior editor for "The Atlantic", and a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush.

Also with us, Max Boot; Senior Fellow for National Security Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and a former foreign policy adviser for the Romney 2012 campaign.

Max Boot, who are you voting for?

MAX BOOT, SENIOR FELLOW FOR NATIONAL SECURITY STUDIES, COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS: Hillary Clinton, and I never thought I would be saying that, but that`s where we are, I mean, if we had a normal sane Republican --

O`DONNELL: When did you come to that decision?

BOOT: Well, as soon as the Republican Party decided to nominate him a carnival barker as their nominee.

I mean, if there had been a normal Republican candidate nominees like Jeb Bush or John Kasich, I would not now be voting for Hillary Clinton.

But, you know, there`s really no choice when the alternative is Donald Trump, you have to vote for the sane alternative.

O`DONNELL: And David Frum, you and I -- you`re voting for Hillary Clinton on this program. But what do you say to Republicans who opt out of that choice of the top two and they`re going to vote third party?

DAVID FRUM, SENIOR EDITOR, THE ATLANTIC: I respect that decision. A lot depends on how -- what you think a ballot is for.

If you think voting is an expressive act, then sometimes you vote in ways that are just for protest, even though you know it`s not going to achieve anything.

My own instinct is not that way. I think a vote is an instrument, not an expression, and you make as you often do in adult life, you make your best choice from bad alternatives.

I`m not very enthusiastic -- I`m not very enthusiastic about the vote. I`ve already cast it, very enthusiastic about it.

But as Max said, if one alternative is unacceptable and the other is endurable, you go for the endurable choice.

O`DONNELL: Let`s listen to Donald Trump on the campaign trail this morning, this morning, talking about military campaign in Mosul.


TRUMP: Our military, we are going into Mosul four months, right? In four months, we are expecting to enter Mosul. So then I hear three months, yes, in three months we`ll be attacking Mosul.

Now, it`s two months, then it`s a month, then it`s two weeks. Wouldn`t it be nice if we just shut up, did the job, had a news conference a week later and said we had great success. Wouldn`t that be nice?


O`DONNELL: Your reaction to that?

BOOT: Well, this is another example of why Donald Trump is completely unqualified to be Commander In Chief. He doesn`t know what the hell he`s talking about. Anybody who`s visited Iraq, which of course Donald Trump has never done, would know the topography of Northern Iraq which is entirely flat. You have a city that has to be assaulted by 30,000 troops.

World to Donald Trump guess what, you can`t hide 30,000 troops in flat terrain. He doesn`t know what he`s talking about. I mean this is a man who should not be in control of our armed forces and should not in control of our nuclear weapons, because he keeps saying stupid things, when he`s not saying offensive things. He just think stupid things and sometimes combing the two, but that`s who he is. And he has not gone along the course of the campaign.

O`DONNELL: Let`s listen to what Paul Ryan said about casting his vote.


REP. PAUL RYAN (R-WI), SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: You know what I did two weeks ago tomorrow? I walked in to the Janesville City Hall and cast my early vote. I voted Trump, Pence, Johnson, some guy named Ryan and every other republican on the ticket, and that is actually what each and every one of us need to do. This is what we need to do. Republicans, we need to come home. We need to unify, and we need to go vote.


O`DONNELL: And David Frum, that`s the night before voting. That`s about as lukewarm as you could get.

FRUM: Look, Paul Ryan is in a terrible position. He`s party manager. He`s got responsibility for the fate of other Republicans.

And he knows if party unity cracks he`s going to have a debacle down the ballot. So he`s trying to do his best. Here will be Paul Ryan`s test. It isn`t the night before the election. Paul Ryan`s test is the night after the election. If Donald Trump makes good on his threat not to concede, not to do whatever defeated candidate in American history has done going back to the founding, if he doesn`t do that, there`s going to be a constitutional moment. And one of the ways to resolve that is how quickly do the other leaders of the Republicans Party call Hillary Clinton to say congratulations. And by the way, there is going to be no institutional basis whatsoever for Donald Trump, assuming he loses, to contest this result.

If, you know, an hour after the polls close then Hillary Clinton can say, you know, I`ve been accepted as president by the readers of the House, the leaders of the Senate, then whatever Donald Trump does or doesn`t say doesn`t matter very much.

O`DONNELL: We`re going to have to leave it there tonight, David Frum, Max Boot, thank you both for joining us, and I really want to say thank you as Republicans of principle who were confronted with something that the party`s never been confronted with before. And you had to navigate through it. Something you`ve never had to navigate through before. And I think a lot of people have a lot of respect for the way both of you have done that, really appreciate it. Thank you for joining us.

BOOT: Thank you very much.

O`DONNELL: Up next, the last hoorah for President Obama. He`s his final day on the campaign trail campaigning to preserve his legacy. And before we leave you tonight, I`m going to kill the suspense. I`m going to tell you who`s going to win this election.


O`DONNELL: One more -- one more campaign event for each campaign. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump each have one more stop tonight on that Presidential Campaign trail. Those events will be starting in the next hour but now we`re going to take a look at President Obama`s last hoorah on the campaign trail tonight.


MICHELLE OBAMA, FIRST LADY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. My chance, perhaps the last chance I have, to introduce him as President of the United States. So I just want to take a moment to publicly say how proud I am of all that he has done for this country. I am -- I`m proud, not just of what he has done but how he has done it getting the job done in the face of unimaginable challenges always going high when they go low. Showing us all what intelligence, dignity and grace really look like and never, ever compromising his values or beliefs.

BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Tomorrow you can choose whether we continue the journey of progress or whether it all goes out the window. People in `08 decided to choose hope over fear. And over the course of these eight years, all across 50 states, I`ve always seen what made America great. I have seen you. all of us pledging allegiance to the red, white, and blue, that`s the America i know, and there`s only one candidate in this race who`s devoted her life to that better America, and that is the next president of the United States, Hillary Clinton.

America is not about what one person can do for you. I didn`t say yes, I can. I said yes, we can. In the face of in some cases unprecedented obstruction and a cynical Washington, we stayed with it. The American people stayed with it. And because of your resilience, because of your strength, because of your faith, we turned yes we can, into yes, we did.

Whatever credibility I`ve earned after eight years of president, I`m asking you to trust me on this one. I already voted. I voted for Hillary Clinton because I am absolutely confident that when she is President, this country will be in good hands. And I`m asking you to do the same. I ask you to do for Hillary what you did for me. I ask you to carry her the same way you carried me. I ask you to make her better the same way you made me better. So I just have gone question for you, New Hampshire, are you fired up? Ready to go? Let`s elect Hillary Clinton. Let`s elect her. I love you, New Hampshire. God bless you. God bless the United States of America.


O`DONNELL: the Clinton campaign wants every undecided voter tomorrow to be thinking about who Donald Trump really is.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I fought for my country in Kosovo and Iraq. And I`ve been a Republican all my life. But I`m the father of three girls. I can`t stand hearing Donald Trump call women pigs, dogs and bimbos. And I sure don`t want my daughters hearing it. I want my girls to grow up proud and strong in a nation where they`re valued and respected.

Donald Trump`s America is not the country I fought for. So I`m voting for Hillary Clinton.

O`DONNELL: Joining us now, Katie Packer, former Romney for President Deputy Campaign Manager and MSNBC Contributor and back with us Ana Marie Cox. Senior Political Correspondent for MTV News and Katie Packer, that commercial is exactly what you`d be looking for in these closing days.

KATIE PACKER, MSNBC CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, it really is. And I think that`s why you`re seeing Donald Trump struggling, not just with Democrat women and independent women. But even with Republican women in a lot of these states, he`s really under performing where he is with Republican men. And in these closing days, Hillary Clinton is really trying to drive that home, and for a lot of us to look at the young girls in our life, you know, we find ourselves sort of nodding our heads when we see an ad like that of the.

O`DONNELL: And the young boys, we can`t let them think like this. Let`s listen to the words of Donald Trump that have, I hope, sunk in, in this campaign.

HILLARY CLINTON, 2016 U.S. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You call women you don`t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals. Your Twitter account --

TRUMP: Only Rosie O`Donnell. You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her whatever. I mean she`s a total train wreck. Let`s face it Rosie is a loser. And now the poor guy, you got to see this guy. I don`t know what I said. I don`t remember. Hillary is so corrupt. When she walked in front of me, believe me, I wasn`t impressed. When you`re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything


TRUMP: Grab them by the (bleep). You can do anything.


O`DONNELL: Ana Marie one of the challenges of this coverage has been some of the things Donald Trump says can make you laugh, but they are poisonous. And there`s this - there`s this -- a struggle to keep the focus on just how important it is to defeat this stuff.

COX: Yes. I mean, it makes you laugh, but it also can make you cry. I mean, I think - I - if I think about it too long. I mean this is a really horrible thing that`s happened to our country.


COX: That this is what we talk about. You know, I actually remember writing the night of the election 2012, I wrote an essay for the Guardian, where I said hey, guys, you know what, it`s not the end of the world if Romney gets elected. I mean I was -


COX: I mean I was, you know what?


COX: He`s a decent guy. I think, you know, the country will be fine. We have a great system of government. And I felt like I was like and I believed it. I don`t want these elections to be about character in a way, you know what I mean?


COX: Like I want to be able to assume --

O`DONNELL: What`s happening about tax rates?

COX: Yes. Let`s have - let`s take care --

PACKER: All our options have good character.


COX: Yes. Because look at it, it take character off the table. But, you know what if it`s going to be about character you -- this is the race that it`s going to be. And it`s not a close one, you know? I mean, like, yes, we have - there are problems with Hillary. Yes, we all know that. But as I`ve been saying, there are problems within the boundaries of the democratic process.

They`re the kinds of things that our founding fathers foresaw happening. Conflicts of interest, favored trading, that kind of stuff, democracy is kind of built to, you know, sort of balance that in. Democracy can`t take a bigot and a liar and a, you know, serial predator of women. Like you just can`t - we can`t function as a country if that`s who we put in charge of it.

O`DONNELL: And Katie, when the most negatively-viewed candidate in the history of polling is running, that`s the issue going into the voting booth, that guy. That`s the issue.

PACKER: Yes, and if Donald Trump, from day one, had figured out a way for this race not to be just about him, he might be able to beat Hillary Clinton. But this has become a referendum on Donald Trump in an unprecedented way at a time where we`re running against, you know, a party that`s been in office for eight years. And so that`s been something that I think has plagued republicans. If it had it been any other candidate from the republican primaries we`d be in a very different position today.

O`DONNELL: You`ve both joined this program several times during this campaign year. And this is the last time before the voters go to the polls. And Katie, if you just get in a last word about what you would like voters to be thinking about tomorrow when they vote.

PACKER: I would like to be - I would like for voters to be thinking about the best of America. And not be thinking about just, you know, sort of well, who`s worse than the other person, but what are our best hopes and our best dreams? I voted for Evan McMullin. And independent candidate I saw him as the only conservative republican option for me as a conservative republican.

Because in spite of whether or not he`s got a real shot in the Electoral College. He represents my hopes and my dreams for this country, and that`s what I hope voters will think when they go in to the polling place tomorrow.


COX: I would like people to be thinking about the parade they`re going to throw for women and people of color who will have saved this country yet again.

O`DONNELL: And that is the last word from Ana Marie Cox before the voters go the polls. Thank you both, Katie Packer, Ana Marie. Thank you for everything you`ve done on our coverage this season. Really, really appreciate it.

COX: Thank you.

PACKER: Thank you.

O`DONNELL: Coming up, my last word, and Brooklyn is actually my last word is coming up.


O`DONNELL: Donald Trump was born 70 years ago in New York City in the borough of Queens. A few years later Chuck Schumer was born in the neighboring borough of Brooklyn. Donald Trump`s father, Fred Trump was a very rich real estate developer father who was once arrested at a Ku Klux Klan rally in Queens.

Chuck Schumers father worked as an exterminator and would have risked his life if he had gone near that Klan rally in Queens because Abe Schumer was Jewish, and Jews were high on the Klan`s hate list along with black people and Catholics. Donald Trump went to private school in an Ivy League. And Chuck Schumer went to public schools and a better Ivy League college.

Has a perfect SAT Scores got him into Harvard College. When Chuck Schumer graduated from Harvard Law School he ran for New York State Assembly and won at age 23. By that time, Donald Trump fulfilled his dream of moving across the river to Manhattan and getting in to the Manhattan Real Estate Business. Brooklyn was always good enough for Chuck Schumer.

He still lives there. His kids grew up there. Hillary Clinton located her campaign headquarters in Brooklyn instead of Manhattan because she didn`t want her campaign staff to be surrounded by corporate office buildings with quick access to TV news studios like this one. She wanted them to be surrounded by the real world, the real America, and there is no part of America that is more real than Brooklyn.

And, yes, Brooklyn office space is cheaper. Brooklyn has everything. If you can`t see the beauty of Brooklyn, you can`t see the beauty of the real America. Brooklyn has black people, white people, Asians, Native Americans, Latinos, elderly people, young hipsters. Brooklyn has Jews and Muslims and Catholics and Baptists and Atheists and Mormons and rich people and poor people.

Brooklyn has cops and criminals and poets and professional sports and snow storms and heat waves. Brooklyn really does have everything. Everything except agriculture, there used to be farms in Brooklyn until people just kept pouring into Brooklyn, wave, after wave of Immigration that built more and more housing and hospitals and factories and office buildings and churches and schools.

Immigrants built Brooklyn. The kind of immigrant`s Fred Trump was protesting the day he got arrested at that Klan rally. Brooklyn doesn`t look like a Donald Trump rally. It looks like America, the real America. The America that includes all of us, the America that doesn`t try to keep us in categories determined by bigotry. Black guys counting my money, I hate it, the only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear Yamakas every day.

That`s what Donald Trump said when he saw a black accountant working at one of his casinos. He managed to be racist and anti-Semitic at the same time. Donald Trump`s former accountant confirmed for us on this program that that was the kind of thing that Donald Trump would say. That is the kind of thinking that is on the ballot tomorrow in the name of Donald J. Trump.

America has defeated that kind of thinking before, and it will again tomorrow. Chuck Schumer is up for re-election to the senate tomorrow. He won re-election six years ago with 66 percent of the vote. He should get at least that much this time. Democrats have already decided that Chuck Schumer will be the next democratic leader of the senate. The suspense tomorrow night is simply will Abe and Selma Schumer`s son become majority or minority leader.

And so we stand tonight on the verge of an historic turn in our politics. The Election of a first woman president and the election first Jewish leader of the United States senate that no one has seemed to notice that we are about to elect the first Jewish leader of the senate is proof of how much ground has been won in these centuries of the American war against anti-Semitism. The once unimaginable, is now unremarkable. That`s what progress feels like, that`s what the 21st century is supposed to feel like.

We are not going back. We are not going back to Trump-ism, not Donald Trump-ism, not Fred Trump-ism. We are not going back. Trump-ism is going to lose tomorrow. Brooklyn is going to win tomorrow. The real America is going to win tomorrow.

MSNBC`s live coverage continues now into "THE 11TH HOUR" with Brian Williams, that`s next.