Tuesday's Campaign Round-Up, 9.27.16

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.* Rudy Giuliani, a leading Trump campaign surrogate, told reporters last night, "If I were Donald Trump I wouldn't participate in another debate unless I was promised that a journalist would act like a journalist and not an incorrect, ignorant fact checker." The second presidential debate is scheduled for Oct. 9.* Though there's apparently been some chatter about Trump defeating Hillary Clinton in a post-debate CBS News poll, it's worth noting that there was no post-debate CBS News poll.* Trump campaign aides apparently want voters to be impressed with the GOP nominee for not bringing up Bill Clinton sex scandals during last night's debate.* Yesterday, ahead of the debate, the latest NBC News/SurveyMonkey tracking poll showed Clinton leading Trump by five points in a four-way contest, 45% to 40%. In a head-to-head match-up, Clinton's advantage grows to seven points, 51% to 44%.* A Monmouth University poll released yesterday showed a closer contest, with Clinton leading in a four-way affair, 46% to 42%, and narrowly ahead in a head-to-head race, 49% to 46%, among likely voters.* Though nearly all recent polling out of Iowa shows Trump ahead, a Loras poll released yesterday found Trump and Clinton tied at 38% each.* And though Bernie Sanders hasn't hit the campaign trail too aggressively in recent weeks, the Vermont senator said on MSNBC last night that he's planning a "very, very vigorous" travel schedule ahead of the election. Sanders added, "We're going to go all over this country ... and I am going to work as hard as I can to make sure that Donald Trump does not become the next president."