Elizabeth Warren just won't stop attacking Donald Trump

A day after shredding Trump in a speech, Warren continued the barrage on Twitter, telling him: “Your words and actions disqualify you from being President.”


Elizabeth Warren isn’t letting up on Donald Trump.

A day after shredding the presumptive Republican presidential nominee in a speech, the Massachusetts senator took to Twitter to continue the barrage, telling Trump: “Your words and actions disqualify you from being President.”

The two have been sparring on and off for weeks. But the latest skirmish kicked off Tuesday night when Warren devoted a major chunk of a Washington speech to an attack on Trump for saying in 2006 that he was hoping the housing bubble would burst.

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“What kind of a man roots for people to get thrown out of their house?” Warren asked, calling Trump “a small, insecure, money grubber who doesn’t care who gets hurt so long as he gets a profit of it.”

Hillary Clinton’s campaign, too, attacked Trump over his housing comments. 

Trump responded on Twitter Wednesday morning. As he’s done before, he called Warren “Pocahontas” — a reference to a kerfuffle over her past claims of Native American ancestry. He also accused her of being a "total hypocrite," claiming she, too, had profited from the crash. Both issues came up during her 2012 Senate race.

That prompted Warren to let loose:

Warren’s eagerness to take on Trump — and her ability to do it with a verve and panache that few people in either party have managed — has some Democrats hoping that Hillary Clinton might add her to the ticket. Picking Warren as her running mate, they note, might help Clinton reach out to disaffected Bernie Sanders supporters.

RELATED: What's behind Trump's 'Pocahontas' attack on Sen. Elizabeth Warren?

But, veep-stakes aside, Warren also may sense that her persona allows her to play a valuable role in stopping Trump from getting to the White House. As an ardent foe of economic inequality with a clear record of accomplishment, Warren can puncture Trump’s claims to speak for working Americans. And dragging the businessman into another high-profile screaming match with a woman sure won’t help him improve his abysmal standing with female voters.

In other words, Warren is likely just getting started.