Tuesday's Campaign Round-Up, 5.17.16

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.
* As Rachel reported on the show last night, Priorities USA, the leading super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton, is launching its first round of television ads targeting Donald Trump this week. The spots are set to begin airing in Ohio, Florida, Virginia, and Nevada.
* If you haven't seen the ads themselves, last night's segment is worth your time.
* Speaking of ad buys, the DSCC is launching another round of television commercials in competitive Senate races, investing $12 million in three states. While voters in Illinois and Wisconsin will see ads, the bulk of the money is headed for Pennsylvania in support of Katie McGinty (D) in her race against incumbent Sen. Pat Toomey (R).
* As if the Hillary Clinton/Bernie Sanders split wasn't alarming enough, labor unions and environmentalists are now clashing "over an effort to raise tens of millions of dollars for an ambitious voter turnout operation aimed at defeating Donald J. Trump in the November election."
* Any chance Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) will run as an independent presidential candidate against Donald Trump in the fall. "I'm not gonna do that," the governor said yesterday.
* Speaking of the search for a Republican to run on an independent ticket, Bill Kristol is still leading the effort, and over the weekend, Breitbart ran a headline calling Kristol a “Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew.” Breitbart, it's worth noting, is a prominent far-right website with influence in GOP politics.
* As VP speculation continues, it's important to keep this in mind: "[A]t least three of the likely Democratic nominee’s top potential choices -- Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown and Cory Booker -- are senators from states with Republican governors, meaning they would almost certainly be replaced in Congress by a Republican, which could alter the balance of power in the Senate."