Melania stumps for Donald Trump: 'He will punch back 10 times harder'

"When you attack him he will punch back 10 times harder," she said. "No matter who you are, a man or a woman, he treats everyone equal."

Donald Trump's wife, Melania, in Iowa on Feb. 1, 2016.

MILWAUKEE, Wisc. — Another multi-rally day for Trump was capped off with an appearance from a rare guest.

Melania Trump joined her husband on the stump Monday, pushing back against claims that he is sexist or speaks too harshly about women.

Reading from prepared notes, the former model told the crowd in the half-full Milwaukee Theater, "As you may know by now, when you attack him he will punch back 10 times harder. No matter who you are, a man or a woman, he treats everyone equal."

Meanwhile, Trump was on offense regarding delegate allocation and wins. Comparing the delegate fight to a prize fight, Trump pointed to Louisiana as a sign of the unfair nature of the delegate system. The lengthy remarks were a first for Melania, who is rarely on the trail, and when she has spoken in the past has kept it brief.

"You see where I won Louisiana and then I find out that I am not supposed to get as many delegates as the person that I beat. What kind of stuff is that? And somebody said there is a rule and another rule. I don't care about rules, folks. I go out, I campaign, we win. We win. We get the delegates, right?"

He also predicted that he'll win the nomination before the convention, despite all the talk of delegate math and contested conventions.

Outside the rally, anticipated protests never came. Inside, interruptions were few and brief.

One person threw something at Trump during his remarks and missed. Trump security says the man left but they caught him. Officials said he was cited and released.

This story originally appeared on