Poll: Majority disapproves of GOP move to block SCOTUS nominee

Fifty-five percent of registered voters are sour on the GOP's move to block hearings to consider President Obama's nominee.

The U.S. Supreme Court is seen at dusk, Feb. 13, 2016 in Washington, DC. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was at a Texas Ranch Saturday morning when he died at the age of 79. 

A majority of Americans disapprove of Senate Republicans' refusal to consider President Barack Obama’s pick to replace the late Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows.

Fifty-five percent of registered voters are sour on the GOP's move to block hearings to consider the nominee, regardless of the person Obama ultimately announces as his choice for the job.

Only about one in three – 28 percent – approve of the GOP's strategy.

While 55 percent of Republicans say they support their party’s plan to block the president’s nominee, only 25 percent of independents and just eight percent of Democrats agree.

Overall, about half of Americans – 48 percent -- want the Senate to vote this year on the court pick, up from 43 percent who said the same last month.

Thirty-seven percent say the spot should be left vacant until the next president is in office, down from 42 percent who backed the delay in last month’s poll.

The NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll was conducted March 3-6. The margin of error for registered voters is +/- 2.83%.