Tuesday's Mini-Report, 3.1.16

Today's edition of quick hits.

Today's edition of quick hits:
* A story worth watching: "A fraud allegation against Donald Trump's education program can move forward, a New York state appeals court said Tuesday in a ruling likely to fuel controversy over an issue Mr. Trump's opponents in the Republican presidential primaries have seized on in recent weeks."
* Secret Service: "White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Tuesday that the Secret Service was investigating a violent altercation between one of its agents and a photographer that occurred at a Virginia rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump."
* Climate crisis: "There are dozens of global temperature datasets, and usually I (and my climate journalist colleagues) wait until the official ones are released about the middle of the following month to announce a record-warm month at the global level. But this month's data is so extraordinary that there's no need to wait: February obliterated the all-time global temperature record set just last month."
* Every ruling won't be 4-4: "The Supreme Court split, 6-2, on Tuesday in the first cases decided since the death last month of Justice Antonin Scalia. In both cases, the court's four conservative justices voted together and picked up the votes of two of the Democratic-appointed justices, while the other two Democratic appointees dissented."
* Mississippi House Republicans "passed a bill Friday that would require regular audits of Medicaid recipients and penalize those who fail to update their records" (thanks to reader P.A. for the heads-up).
* Mosul Dam isn't getting any more secure: "American officials in Baghdad are warning that a critical dam in northern Iraq may collapse, and that more than a million people could be drowned or left homeless if it gives way."
* A relevant historical detail: "14 presidents have appointed 21 justices during presidential election years. A half-dozen presidents, classic lame ducks, filled Supreme Court seats even though their successors had been elected. These six lame duck presidents appointed Supreme Court justices -- before their successors took office."
* The West Virginia House of Delegates on Friday "passed a bill that would delay for a year the implementation of educational standards that require teachers to teach students about human contribution to climate change."
* What an unfortunate issue for state policymakers to prioritize: "Public school officials and activists nationwide have their eye on South Dakota, where Gov. Dennis Daugaard (R) will decide Tuesday whether to sign or veto a bill that would be the first in the nation to restrict transgender students' access to school restrooms and locker rooms."
* Take a wild guess how this vote will turn out: "U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) on Tuesday said lawmakers will soon vote on a measure authorizing the House to file a legal brief in a Supreme Court case examining the Obama administration's executive actions on immigration."
Anything to add? Consider this an open thread.