Thursday's Mini-Report, 2.18.16

Today's edition of quick hits.

Today's edition of quick hits:
* Sanctions: "US President Barack Obama on Thursday signed off on new sanctions against North Korea to punish the reclusive Asian nation for its provocative recent nuclear test and rocket launch."
* What an interesting paragraph: "Obama's decision to skip the funeral puzzled both allies and critics, especially because the president is facing a fierce fight with the Senate over the confirmation of Scalia's replacement. However, people close to the Scalia family said Obama was making the right choice and that the Friday ceremony at the Supreme Court was the better place for Obama to pay his respects."
* U.S. officials were confident they'd killed Mokhtar Belmokhtar, the legendary Algerian militant. Now, they're less confident.
* Bundy: "Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy was determined Tuesday to be a danger to the community and a flight risk, and ordered held in jail. Federal court Judge Janice Stewart in Portland agreed with the government's position. 'It's clear Mr. Bundy does not comply with federal court orders.'"
* Remember Freedom Industries? "A former executive with direct oversight of a West Virginia chemical tank farm that leaked and fouled a drinking water supply has been sentenced to one month in federal prison. Gary Southern also was fined $20,000 Wednesday in federal court in Charleston."
* Texas: "Concealed handguns will be allowed in University of Texas classrooms but generally banned from dorms under rules begrudgingly approved Wednesday by the school's president, whose hand was forced by a new state law."
* LePage continues to make a name for himself: "Gov. Paul LePage said asylum seekers were Maine's biggest problem because they brought disease, including AIDS and what he called the 'ziki fly.' Mr. LePage made the claims on Tuesday at a forum in Freeport. The 'ziki fly' was an incorrect reference to Zika, a mosquito-borne virus that might be linked to abnormally small heads in newborns."
* Missouri: "A legislator from the St. Louis area abruptly resigned from the Missouri House on Wednesday, citing rumors about "some personal issues" as he became the third lawmaker to quit under pressure within the past year. Republican Rep. Don Gosen of Chesterfield did not offer a specific explanation, either in an interview with The Associated Press or in his official resignation letter to Missouri House Speaker Todd Richardson."
Anything to add? Consider this an open thread.