Monday's Mini-Report, 2.15.16

Today's edition of quick hits.

Today's edition of quick hits:
* Syria: "At least seven people died in an airstrike on a hospital supported by Doctors Without Borders in Syria, the aid organization said Monday. Doctors Without Borders said eight staff members also were missing and presumed dead following what appeared to be "a deliberate attack" on the facility in Idlib province's town of Maaret al-Numan."
* Diplomacy: "President Obama and Russian President Vladi­mir Putin have agreed to intensify diplomatic and military cooperation to implement a cease-fire and the delivery of aid in Syria, the Kremlin said early Sunday. A statement from Putin's office said that Obama initiated a telephone conversation between the two."
* Saudi Arabia "launched a massive military exercise that will include troops from 20 nations, state media reported Monday."
* I think this assessment is about right: "The surrender to FBI agents of the last four anti-government activists who staged a takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to protest federal land management policy came after tense negotiations that played out live on YouTube. The events gave the public an up-close view of law enforcement at its best in deescalating a volatile situation."
* This will be an interesting fight to watch: "A Democratic state lawmaker in Kentucky last week introduced a bill that would require men to meet with their doctor twice and obtain permission from their wives before obtaining a prescription for a drug for erectile dysfunction. The bill is designed as a critique to the restrictions on abortion access passed by the state."
Anything to add? Consider this an open thread.