Rubio said Clinton supports abortion on baby's due date. True?

At Saturday's Republican presidential debate in New Hampshire, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio claimed that she supports abortion on "the baby's due date."


At Saturday's Republican presidential debate in Manchester, New Hampshire, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said his anti-abortion stance is not extreme but that it's Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton who is "extreme," claiming that she supports abortion on "the baby's due date."

Clinton has not said she supports abortion of a full-term fetus, but she has said that the "life and health of the mother" must be taken into consideration throughout the entire pregnancy.

Her campaign pointed NBC News to remarks she made during an interview on NBC News' "Meet the Press."

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"I've said … that there can be restrictions in the very end of the third trimester, but they have to take into account the life and health of the mother," Clinton said on "Meet the Press" in September.

"My husband vetoed a very restrictive legislation on late-term abortions, and he vetoed it at an event in the White House where we invited a lot of women who had faced this very difficult decision, that ought to be made based on their own conscience, their family, their faith, in consultation with doctors. Those stories left a searing impression on me," she continued.

Rubio's jab against Clinton is one he's been repeating on the campaign trail recently, but abortion is an issue that has caused Rubio some consternation.

At the first Republican debate in August, Rubio said he doesn't support abortion in the case of rape or incest. Rubio's statement has been called extreme, even by some of his Republican challengers who oppose abortion.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, both of whom are trying to cripple Rubio in New Hampshire, subtly pounced on Rubio's position at Saturday's debate.

"I believe in exceptions," Bush said on the debate stage.

"If a woman has been raped, she should be able to terminate" a pregnancy, Christie said during the final debate before the Granite State's primary. He also said incest is an exception, saying that the woman has rights if "she has been violated." 

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