'Please clap' for this news quiz

How well did you follow the news this week? Test your knowledge with this quiz.

Supporters applaud for Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush during a campaign town hall meeting at the Alpine Club Feb. 1, 2016 in Manchester, N.H. 

This week, the Iowa caucus and MSNBC's Democratic debate dominated the news cycle, Punxsutawney Phil conducted his yearly search for his own shadow, and a GOP candidate awkwardly asked for applause. 

How well did you follow the news this week? Test your knowledge with this quiz. 

The candidate was met with a long beat of silence after he declared that he wants the country “to get back in the business of creating a more peaceful world.”

A German legend has it that if the famous groundhog sees his shadow on Feb. 2, winter will last another six weeks. If not, spring comes earlier.

While the former candidate called him "someone that can bring this country together," he struggled to name a single accomplishment Rubio achieved during his time in the Senate.

Mckesson announced his plans on Twitter and Medium.com, where he acknowledged that he is not a traditional candidate.

Many women heard the CDC’s warming as a condescending lecture suggesting they’re not in control of their own bodies. 

The songstress says that Ryan could be her valentine if he “spreads some love” by bringing justice reform to a vote to “keep families together and reunite those who have been unjustly torn apart by excessive incarceration.”

“Bae” is a slang term of endearment often used by millennials in addressing their significant others.

The candidate outperformed several candidates who will be on stage at the debate, including Chris Christie and John Kasich. 

Persistent injuries are speculated to be the motivation behind his early retirement. 

Though the unemployment rate fell to 4.9 percent, the number of jobs created is the latest sign that U.S. economic growth is slowing.