Wednesday's Mini-Report, 1.20.16

Today's edition of quick hits.

Today's edition of quick hits:
* Pakistan: "Militants using heavy fog as cover stormed a Pakistani university early Wednesday, killing some 20 people and injuring around 60 others, many of them critically."
* Calling off the search: "The Coast Guard on Tuesday suspended its search for 12 Marines who went missing after two helicopters apparently collided last week off the coast of Hawaii."
* ISIS: "The White House has given the Pentagon legal authority to target Islamic State in Afghanistan, the first such authorization for military action against the extremist group outside Iraq and Syria, senior administration officials said, in a sign of how the fight has broadened."
* In related news, ISIS is facing budget problems: "Though the American media often portrays ISIS as an unstoppable, terrifying juggernaut, the truth is that the group is in real trouble, and is actually losing ground in its core Iraqi and Syrian holdings. A new leaked internal document suggests the pressure may be even worse than we thought. According to the document, ISIS is being forced to slash salaries for its fighters by half across its holdings."
* Minnesota: "A St. Paul police sergeant is on administrative leave after a report that he allegedly urged drivers on Facebook to run over Black Lives Matter protesters during their planned Monday march."
* Background checks: "The surge of criminal background checks required of new gun purchasers has been so unrelenting in recent months that the FBI has been forced to temporarily halt the processing of thousands of appeals from prospective buyers whose firearm purchase attempts have been denied."
* The NRA believes Democratic leaders want Australian-style gun confiscation. "Don't let what happened in Australia happen here," the right-wing says in a new ad. Other than a sharp drop in gun deaths, "what happened" in Australia?
* Sounds promising: "Sad that Pluto isn't a planet anymore? Don't worry, Caltech researchers may have discovered a new planet lurking in the outer reaches of our solar system."
Anything to add? Consider this an open thread.