Iran frees U.S. sailors and other headlines

Morning headlines: Iran releases the 10 sailors detained yesterday, poll shows Clinton's lead over Sanders slip, MI Gov. activates Nat'l Guard for Flint water.


U.S. sailors detained by Iran are 'safely returned.' (NBC News)

Clinton's lead over Sanders slipping in new poll. (New York Times)

Iowa poll: Cruz holds 3-point lead as Trump attacks. (Des Moines Register)

Michigan Governor activates National Guard to deal with Flint water crisis. (Flint Journal)

Pres. Obama heads to Nebraska for a post-SOTU speech. (Omaha World-Herald)

Oregon militants say they will reveal their exit plan Friday. (Oregonian)

Belgium identifies 3 houses used to prepare for Paris attacks. (New York Times)

What are you reading this morning? Let us know in the comments, please.