New 2016 polls and other headlines

Morning headlines: new polls in the final weeks before Iowa and New Hampshire, Muslim woman kicked out of Trump rally, David Bowie tribute from space.


New poll: Trump, Cruz top GOP race nationally. (Fox News)

Trump takes credit after New Hampshire paper cut from debate. (The Hill)

Muslim woman gets kicked out of Trump rally--for protesting silently. (Washington Post)

Future of public sector unions at stake in Supreme Court case. (NBC News)

2nd Baltimore officer in Freddie Gray case goes on trial. (USA Today)

First Lady's State of the Union guests are nod to Obama's campaigns, nation's progress. (Politico)

'Road tour' by Cabinet members to promote Obama proposals. (AP)

Oregon militia wants hay, menthol 100s, and french vanilla creamer. (BuzzFeed)

British astronaut Tim Peake pays tribute to David Bowie from space. (AP)

What are you reading this morning? Let us know in the comments, please.