Charlie Hebdo releases cover year after attack

Charlie Hebdo, the satirical magazine that was attacked by Islamist militants a year ago, released a new cover to commemorate the deadly shooting massacre.

Demonstrators gather in Place de la Republique in Paris prior to a mass unity rally to be held in Paris following the recent terrorist attacks on Jan. 11, 2015.

Charlie Hebdo, the Paris-based satirical magazine that was attacked by Islamist militants a year ago, released a new cover on Monday to commemorate the deadly shooting massacre.

The magazine’s latest cover headline reads “One year on: The assassin still at large,” according to Agence France-Presse. The issue will be available in full on Wednesday. 

Twelve people -- including the magazine’s editor -- were killed in the assault on Jan. 7, 2015 at Charlie Hebdo’s office. The anniversary of the killings comes less than two months after another deadly attack on Paris. On Nov. 13, terrorists carried out coordinated attacks in Paris and its suburbs that killed 130 people. ISIS claimed responsibility for the massacre.

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