Amy Poehler, Tina Fey return to 'Saturday Night Live' as Clinton, Palin

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler returned to their old stomping grounds on Saturday to team up as co-hosts.

(L-R) Tina Fey as Sarah Palin, Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton, and Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton during the \"A Hillary Christmas\" sketch on Dec. 19, 2015.

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler returned to their old stomping grounds on Saturday to team up as co-hosts of the final 'Saturday Night Live' of 2015.

The dynamic duo — whose new movie "Sisters" opened in theaters this week — donned familiar costumes to reprise two of their most notable impressions from their time in the show's cast: Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin.

As the real Hillary Clinton was fresh off the stage at the third Democratic debate, resident 'SNL' Clinton impersonator Kate McKinnon was portraying her in a sketch. McKinnon's 2015 Clinton was joined by Poehler's 2008 version of the then-senator and presidential candidate Clinton.

2008 Clinton tells 2015 Clinton she's there with a warning.

"On Christmas Eve 2007 I was cocky too and then someone named Barack Obama stumbled out of a soup kitchen with a basketball and a cigarette and stole my life," she laments.

2015 Clinton tells her former self not to worry because this time she's running against Bernie Sanders, whom she refers to as "a human Birkenstock."

When the current candidate shares the news that the Republican frontrunner is now Donald Trump, the two squeal in delight. "Oh my God. We're going to be president!" they yell, embracing and jumping up and down.

Fey, clad in the iconic bangs and red blazer get-up, joins the twin Clintons as her famed Palin persona.

"Oh yeah, we ran for president together," the former candidate for vice president remembers as she recognizes the pair. "You poor thing, I heard that after you lost you had to become a secretary," she laments to Clinton, who went on to serve as Obama's secretary of state.

"I need to get back to 2008 and send a bunch of emails," Poehler's candidate remarks, which prompts 2015 Clinton to rip the phone out of her hand and smash it.

"Trust me. You'll thank me later," current Clinton says knowingly.

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