Missing Maddow?

Some Rachel Maddow video from the outside world


Sometimes when the Rachel Maddow Show doesn't air as expected in the MSNBC evening line-up, I like to try to find one of her extracurricular appearances to serve as a palliative to viewers suffering withdrawal.

As it happens, just this week The Rockefeller University published video of Rachel presenting the 2015 Pearl Meister Greengard Prize, awarded to Dr. Helen Hobbs for her work in human genetics, at an event on November 17, 2015. The award is given every year to honor outstanding female scientists.

Rachel's remarks begin at around the 5:55 mark in the video, after which there is the awarding and the handshaking, but then Dr. Hobbs is interviewed by university president Dr. Marc Tessier-Lavigne and takes questions from the audience, so bump ahead to 28:41 for that.