'MHP' Syllabus: 12.12.15

Saturday in #nerdland: what we mean by “radicalization”, a surge in anti-Muslim rhetoric, historical consequences, and legislation to support families in need.

Melissa Harris Perry MHP The Syllabus

This Saturday in #nerdland: what we mean by “radicalization”, a surge in anti-Muslim rhetoric, historical consequences, and legislation to support families in need.

The word “radicalized” has been widely searched since the director of the FBI mentioned the phrase when referring to the couple involved in the San Bernardino attacks. The term has been used loosely in the presidential campaign as candidates hope to capture the attention of potential voters. But just what does it mean to be “radicalized”? And could anti-Muslim sentiment in the campaign be another form of radical expression?

MHP will also take a closer look at the real world consequences of our climate of fear and intolerance as attacks on Muslim Americans have spiked recently.  Melissa and her panel will also discuss the impact of the philosophy “see something, say something” and the risks of profiling.

America is no stranger to terrorism and even condoned one of the earliest forms of domestic terror: lynching. Southern Senators opposed anti-lynching legislation in the late 19th century and eventually apologized many years later. Now some GOP candidates are endorsing anti-Muslim proposals as a response to terror. How will history judge their response?

Plus, we’ll speak to former foot solider and Executive Director of the Diaper Bank of North Carolina, Michelle Old, who will tell us about recent legislation that could assist families in need of diapers.

Joining our Saturday morning conversation will be:

  • Malcolm Nance, Executive Director, Terror Asymmetrics Project, Author, "Defeating ISIS"
  • Linda Sarsour, Executive Director, Arab American Association of New York
  • Cristina Beltran, Associate Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis, NYU, Author, "The Trouble with Unity"
  • Thomas Sugrue, Prof. of Social and Cultural Analysis and History, New York University, Author, "Not Even Past: Barack Obama and the Burden of Race"
  • Megan Ming Francis, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Washington
  • Sabrina Siddiqui, Political Reporter, The Guardian
  • Vishavjit Singh, Cartoonist & Creator of Sikhtoons.com
  • Bethany Albertson, Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin, Co-Author, "Anxious Politics"
  • Michelle Old, Executive Director, Diaper Bank of NC
  • Rep. Barbara Lee, California's 13th Congressional District

To prep for our discussions, feel free to check out:

Be sure to read what we’ve linked above, and watch Melissa Harris-Perry Saturday at 10am ET on MSNBC. Join the conversation—share your thoughts about these issues on Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #nerdland.