Muslims use social media to oppose Donald Trump's database

#MuslimID has been used 11k times since November 19th, showcasing different forms of identification carried by Muslims in the US.


Last Thursday night, Republican front-runner Donald Trump told NBC News he "would certainly implement" a database system to track Muslims in the United States. In addition to this database, he told Yahoo News he would not be opposed to a special form of identification for Muslim Americans. Trump, who called his proposed database "good management," has received backlash for his comments. Many Muslim Americans took to social media to voice their opposition to Trump's proposed surveillance practices.

The hashtag #MuslimID began in response to these series of remarks made by Trump. Tayyib Rashid, under the twitter username “Muslim Marine,” tweeted a picture of his ID from his time in the Armed Forces of the United States to Donald Trump, saying he already carries "a special ID badge."

Since last Thursday, the hashtag has been used 11,000 times, showcasing different forms of identification carried by Muslims in the United States.