Citations for the October 29, 2015 TRMS

Links to material cited on Thursday night's show

Links for the Maddow Show

Tonight's guests:

  • Marc Caputo, senior writer for Politico
  • Nicolle Wallace, Republican political strategist

Tonight's links:

Jeb Bush Donors Gather to Hit Reset Button On Campaign

Bush campaign downsizes in the face of Trump strength

Can Jeb stop the implosion?

Jeb Bush Expresses Despair About Toxic Tone of Campaign

Bush family gathers to rescue Jeb

Jeb Bush Donors Gather to Hit Reset Button On Campaign

How Jeb Bush Lost the Debate

Yeah, Jeb Bush Is Probably Toast

The beginning of the end for Jeb

Dear Jeb Bush, It Is Time To Take Your Campaign Out Back And Shoot It

Jeb Bush isn't the man for this presidential season: Erick Erickson

Jeb Bush's Stunning, Televised Implosion

Jeb Bush Continues "Death Spiral" At GOP Debate

GOP debate helps Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, but leaves Jeb Bush in trouble

Jeb's Dead: Adiós Amigo

Jeb Swings at Rubio, Misses, and Finds Himself on the Ropes

It's Time For Jeb Bush To Call It Quits

Jeb Died on That Stage

This Is the Moment Jeb Bush Lost the Republican Debate

Bush's Big Bomb: It was even worse than it looked.

“FIRST DEMOCRATIC DEBATE HIGHLIGHTS: 2015” —- A Bad Lip Reading of the First Democratic Debate

Despite threats, Paul can't filibuster budget deal

Rand Paul Quickly Ends Filibuster Against Raising Debt Ceiling

Reid calls on Rubio to resign

Bluegrass Poll: Jack Conway maintains edge over Matt Bevin with just days to go

Bluegrass Poll: Auditor Edelen builds lead

Republicans fret about Paul's Senate seat

McConnell presses Paul to focus on Senate bid

Rand Paul facing pressure from his home state

GOP pushes Rand Paul to focus on Senate re-election

Guantanamo detainee repatriated to Mauritania

Guantanamo detainee transferred to Morocco

Harford Campaign for Liberty Oct. 27: Sustainable Maryland, JLENS Blimps, Crisis in the House

National Guard to Shoot at Crashed Blimp to Help it Deflate