Hillary Clinton to Unveil Plan for Major New Gun Restrictions

Under the plan, Clinton would tighten rules governing gun show and Internet sales using executive action "if Congress will not act," aides said.

Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a community forum on substance abuse on Sept. 17, 2015 in Laconia, N.H.

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton is set to unveil a sweeping gun control proposal Monday that would include closing the "gun show loophole" and allowing victims of gun violence to sue firearm manufacturers.

Under the plan, which comes in the wake of a mass shooting at an Oregon community college that left 10 people dead last week, Clinton would tighten rules governing gun show and Internet sales using executive action "if Congress will not act," aides said.

That includes the so-called gun show loophole, under which private gun sellers aren't required to perform background checks of buyers.

RELATED: Nancy Pelosi calls for special House committee on gun violence

She would also push to repeal a law backed by the National Rifle Association that prevents crime victims from suing gun manufacturers. And her proposal would revoke the licenses of "bad actor" dealers who knowingly supply guns to straw purchasers and traffickers.

Clinton is expected to roll out her new plan Monday, starting with a town hall and interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie on TODAY in Hollis, New Hampshire.

"It's just heartbreaking, it is sickening to me to see another massacre."'

Clinton made an impassioned appeal for action Friday at Broward College in Davie, Florida, to counter the influence of the powerful NRA.

"What is wrong with us that we can't stand up to the NRA and the gun lobby and the gun manufacturers they represent?" Clinton asked, vowing to "fight for new, effective gun control measures" as president.

"It's just heartbreaking, it is sickening to me to see another massacre. People should not have to be afraid to go to a college like this one or go to the movie theater or go to Bible study," she said.

Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont — who is leading Clinton in New Hampshire,according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll — has yet to roll out a gun control plan.

After the Charleston, South Carolina, church shootings in June, Sanders issued a statement saying the "killings are a tragic reminder of the ugly stain of racism that still taints our nation." The statement notably did not mention guns.

RELATED: GOP candidates' positions on guns unchanged after Oregon shooting

After last week's shootings at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, however, Sanders released another statement pushing for "sensible gun-control legislation which prevents guns from being used by people who should not have them."

Sanders has a mixed voting record on gun legislation. He has voted to allow guns on Amtrak trains, but he also supported universal background checks after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, in December 2012.

Another Democratic presidential candidate, former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, called on Clinton and Sanders on Sunday night to back gun control provisions, including a ban on the sale of assault-style weapons.

Clinton has repeatedly called out Republicans on gun control, saying their responses to mass shootings are "infuriating."

"Every time there's another massacre, Republicans and the NRA say 'now is not the time to talk about guns.' Yes, it is. But more than talk, it is time to act. But Republicans keep refusing to do anything to protect our communities. They put the NRA ahead of American families," Clinton said.

Clinton spoke similarly on gun control after two journalists were shot dead on live television in Virginia last month and often talks about the need for stricter gun laws on the campaign trail.

On Friday, she urged: "We don't just need to pray for people. We need to act. We need to build a movement."

This article first appeared at NBCNews.com