Stampede kills hundreds and other headlines

Morning headlines: Hundreds of Muslims on holy pilgrimage are killed in a stampede, Justice Scalia on the possible end of the death penalty, the Pope's visit.


Saudi Arabia says at least 450 dead, 700 injured in stampede on hajj pilgrimage. (NBC News)

The latest on the Pope's visit to Congress this morning. (AP)

Colombia close to peace accord with FARC rebels. (New York Times)

Afghan president vows to crack down on abuse of boys. (New York Times)

Justice Scalia 'wouldn't be surprised' if the Supreme Court ended the death penalty. (BuzzFeed)

Hillary Clinton sits for interview with Lena Dunham. (Politico)

Huckabee on Obama's Christianity. (Political Wire)

Scientists: drought stressing California's giant sequoias. (AP)

What are you reading this morning? Let us know in the comments, please.