Monday's Mini-Report, 9.21.15

Today's edition of quick hits.

Today's edition of quick hits:
* Refugees: "The U.S. is offering new details about its plan to ease the Syrian refugee crisis by significantly increasing the number of worldwide refugees it will take in over the next two years. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says the U.S. will accept 85,000 refugees from around the world next year, up from 70,000, and the number will rise to 100,000 in 2017."
* Good move: "A huge overnight price increase for an important tuberculosis drug has been rescinded after the company that had acquired the drug gave it back to its previous owner under pressure."
* An incredible story: "Accused of cheating on emissions standards, Volkswagen saw a massive sell-off of its stock Monday, wiping out $16.9 billion of market value on Monday."
* Gun violence in Alabama: "A man walked into a church service in East Selma, Ala., on Sunday morning and opened fire with a handgun, shooting his 24-year-old girlfriend and their infant son and then the pastor before being disarmed by congregants, according to the police."
* A heartbreaking finding: "More than 20 percent of female undergraduates at an array of prominent universities said this year they were victims of sexual assault and misconduct, echoing findings elsewhere, according to one of the largest studies ever of college sexual violence."
* Nigeria: "Fear of attacks by Boko Haram, the Islamist extremist group of northern Nigeria known for its deadly marauding and kidnappings, has uprooted a half-million children in the past five months, Unicef said in a report released Thursday."
* Change I can believe in: President Obama has "presided over the most demographically diverse administration in history, according to a new analysis of his top appointments. The majority of top policy appointments within the executive branch are held by women and minorities for the first time in history."
* Good for him: "[Texas] Gov. Greg Abbott has weighed in on behalf of Ahmed Mohamed, the 14-year-old Irving student who was arrested after taking a homemade clock to school. Abbott cautioned that he did not know all the facts but said that police were mistaken to arrest the boy."
* Amazing: "A Texas man who raised almost $6,000 in funds online to repair his truck was arrested on Friday after authorities determined that he vandalized the vehicle himself and tried to blame supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement for the damage, KDFW-TV reported."
Anything to add? Consider this an open thread.