Rev.'s Early Reads: Sept. 1st, 2015

Here's a look at the stories the PoliticsNation team is watching this morning. What stories are you following?

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Pres. Obama is in Alaska today proposing a new plan for Coast Guard icebreakers.

Roughly 7,000 pages of Hillary Clinton emails released late Monday with subjects ranging from U.S. efforts to stop Wikileaks disclosures to a request for help learning to use her new “hPad.”

Video suggests a man shot by police in San Antonio had his hands up.

A new report shows an uptick in murder rates in 35 major cities.

Was the man charged in the shooting of a Houston sheriff’s deputy mentally ill?

Pope Francis says priest should forgive women who get abortions, so long as that woman is "contrite."

The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from a county clerk in Kentucky who said she could not issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples because of her religious objections.

Could Pres. Obama return to Columbia University after his presidency?