Now and Later: 7/19/13

•Whether you agree or disagree with the man, you have to admit that was one heavy speech. Alex will be hosting a special hour to discuss it, tonight at 9pm EDT

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks about the Trayvon Martin case in the press briefing room at the White House in Washington, July 19, 2013.

•Whether you agree or disagree with the man, you have to admit that was one heavy speech. Alex will be hosting a special hour to discuss it, tonight at 9pm EDT. You won't want to miss it.

• Incremental progress has been made in the negotiations for Alex to appear on Ron Paul's Hypothetical Cooking Show. #cookingwithron

• An unfortunate moment of candor for the Chairman of Pennsylvania's GOP.

• No takers yet for Schindler's list, as in the actual list, but you have nine more days to scrounge up the $3 million asking price.

• We put the call out your best "Herman Cain is pushing ED drugs" joke, and you did not disappoint.

• And finally, a sharknado has hit ComicCon. Be careful out there, and have a good weekend.