Rush Limbaugh declares victory after Zimmerman verdict

The verdict in the George Zimmerman trial sparked a national conversation about race and prejudice.


The verdict in the George Zimmerman trial sparked a national conversation about race and prejudice. Many observers praised the acquittal, and some right wingers celebrated.

Ann Coulter tweeted "Hallelujah!" just minutes after Zimmerman was acquitted of second degree murder. Ted Nugent wrote, "The jury got it right, and non-racist America rejoices." And Rush Limbaugh described the verdict as if tallying a scoreboard: "The progressives, the liberals out there are having a little temper tantrum because they didn't get their way. But really, folks, how often are they on the losing end of anything anymore? They're getting gay marriage, they got Obamacare, they've got Obama….This verdict is not part of a string of defeats for the left. It is an interruption in a string of victory after victory."

The Washington Post's Eugene Robinson said on NOW with Alex Wagner Tuesday that the right flank seems to be "dancing on the grave of Trayvon Martin," which he called "as disgusting a spectacle as I've ever seen."

Watch the video above for Alex Wagner's discussion with Eugene Robinson and the NOW panel.