Now and Later: 7/15/13

In case you missed it (and shame on you if you did!), here is Alex's interview with Aaron Sorkin from today's NOW

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In case you missed it (and shame on you if you did!), here is Alex's interview with Aaron Sorkin from today's NOW

Season 2 of The Newsroom debuted last night on HBO, I am told it is good.

Elsewhere in the world...

Gawker digs up video from the voir dire of Juror B37, who, less than 48 hours after the Zimmerman verdict, secured a book deal. In the course of the interview, we learn that the she is distrustful of all media, got all of her news about the case from The Today Show, and described Trayvon Martin as a "boy of color".

Drudge will not let the fact that there were no riots stand in the way of his riot coverage

In the "no this is not from The Onion" category comes this expose on the hardships of being a white man in America:

From boyhood through adulthood, the White American Male must fight his way through a litany of taunts, assumptions and grievances about his very existence. His oppression is unlike anything American women have faced. Unlike women, however, men don’t organize and form groups when they’ve been persecuted. They just bow out of the game... America needs to wake up. We have swung the pendulum too far in the other direction—from a man’s world to a woman’s world.

No, seriously! Not making that up.

It's impossible to improve upon this headline: "Beware the Bipolar Rabbi Trying to Pull Over City Drivers"

Erick Erickson lightens the mood with a bit of abortion humor, in the wake of Texas passing some of the nations most restrictive abortion laws.

A particularly scathing indictment of the Zimmerman not guilty verdict.

In a collaboration with Kanye West, fancypant French fashion label APC is selling a white t-shirt for 80 Euro (104 dollars). It is, literally, a white t-shirt.

And the tweet of the day comes, unsurprisingly, from Metta World Peace, who is talking about playing in New York