Up for July 13: What you need to know

On Saturday's Up with Steve Kornacki, we'll start with the very latest on the George Zimmerman trial, where the jury is deliberating.

Former New York governor Eliot Spitzer speaks at the Reuters Global Financial Regulation Summit in 2010.

On Saturday's Up with Steve Kornacki, we'll start with the very latest on the George Zimmerman trial, where the jury is deliberating. We'll also cover the latest in the immigration reform negotiations in the House and the grim prospects for any big legislation in the age of Congressional obstructionism.

Eliot Spitzer joined the race for New York City comptroller, making him the latest politician to attempt a comeback after a sex scandal drove him from office. He made a lot of enemies during the first act of his political career, and with Wall Street and unions already suspicious of him, the second act may be challenging.

A senate committee is holding a hearing on how to fix the Voting Rights Act after the Supreme Court gutted it; we'll discuss what comes next. We'll also talk more about what Congress is doing on gay marriage and workplace discrimination legislation.

A Rand Paul aide turned out to be a neo-Confederate, which means we'll talk about Paul's relationship with race. There are new developments in the world of gun legislation now that Illinois has a concealed carry law, and the farm bill drama continues as the House defied the White House's veto threat and passed a bill without any food stamp funding in it.

Finally, we'll discuss the oft-maligned culture of Washington D.C. and running against it.

Joining Steve Kornacki at the table at 8 AM will be:

Ana Marie Cox, political columnist, The Guardian (@anamariecox)

Roberto Lovato, writer/commentator, New America Media, co-founder, Presente.org (online Latino advocacy organization) (@robvato)

Blake Zeff, columnist & politics editor, Salon.com (@blakezeff)

Michelle Bernard, The Bernard Center for Women, Politics & Public Policy (@MichelleBernard)

Rep. Robin Kelly, (D) Illinois (@RepRobinKelly)