How much do you know about Jim Gilmore?

Take this quiz to learn 5 key facts about the 17th Republican candidate -- Jim Gilmore.

Former Gov. Jim Gilmore speaks at the First in the Nation Republican Leadership Summit in Nashua, N.H. on Apr. 17, 2015. 

If the name Jim Gilmore doesn't ring a bell, don't fret. Take this quiz to learn 5 key facts about the 17th Republican candidate in the 2016 presidential race. 

Gilmore ran for president briefly in 2008 but dropped out after a few months. 

Watch him give a speech in 2007 at an NRA conference. 

Learn more about Gilmore's favorites

"But I haven't seen a response from anyone that makes me certain about their knowledge or solutions to the threats facing our nation," he continued

More on his record as governor.