Up with Steve Kornacki, July 6: What you need to know

On Saturday, July 6, the Up with Steve Kornacki panel will be discussing Texas politics from Rick Perry to Wendy Davis, and what's going on with those special s

Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, waits for a ruling on a rules violation during her filibusters of an abortion bill, Tuesday, June 25, 2013, in Austin, Texas.

On Saturday, July 6, the Up with Steve Kornacki panel will be discussing Texas politics from Rick Perry to Wendy Davis, and what's going on with those special sessions. The show will also cover the influence gunmakers wield in politics and the economy, the White House's decision to delay a key part of Obamacare and why Congress allowed student loan interest rates to double.

The Supreme Court struck down DOMA, but plenty of discrimination is still legal. We'll look at what Congress is doing to address it. We will also cover the record levels of Super PAC spending, Mitch McConnell's election challenge, the latest in Egypt, and Marco Rubio and immigration.

Joining Steve Kornacki at 8 AM will be:

Rep. Frank Pallone, (D) New Jersey (@FrankPallone)

Ann Lewis, former Senior Advisor to Hillary Clinton

Perry Bacon, Jr., msnbc contributor, political editor, TheGrio.com (@perrybaconjr)

Sahil Kapur, congressional reporter, Talking Points Memo (@sahilkapur)

L. Joy Williams, political strategist & founder, LJW Community Strategies (@ljoywilliams)

Evan McMorris-Santoro, White House reporter, BuzzFeed.com (@evanMcSan)