NSC senior director: We want to 'unblock' obstacles to power in Africa

President Obama has unveiled an ambitious new plan to help bring electricity to millions in sub-Saharan Africa.


President Obama has unveiled an ambitious new plan to help bring electricity to millions in sub-Saharan Africa.

Billions in taxpayer funds and private investments will be used to expand electricity access under the administration's new "Power Africa" program.

National Security Council Senior Director for Development and Democracy Gayle Smith, who's heading up the program, told Chuck Todd that two-thirds of sub-Saharan Africa doesn't have power. The new initiative includes more than $9 billion in investments from private companies and will focus on  six African countries: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria and Tanzania. 

"You need governments that have the right policies, you need the private sector to come in and make the investments and you need systems to deliver," said Smith.

Watch Chuck's interview with Smith below.