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Small businesses must "bubble to the top" when using social media to beat the competition, JJ Ramberg said on Friday.


Small businesses must "bubble to the top" when using social media to beat the competition, JJ Ramberg said on Friday.

"You have to give something interesting to people out there so that they'll follow you, so that they'll listen to you, and then so they'll buy your product," Ramberg, host of msnbc's Your Business, said during the greenroom interview.

Owners must continually be agile and foster a culture of innovation because the business environment is changing rapidly. They now have access to their customers through surveys, phone calls, and website clicks.

"For you to be constantly reacting to what people want, that's the way to stay ahead of the curve," said Ramberg, who is also an entrepreneur and co-author of It's Your Business: 83 Essential Tips that Will Transform Your Small Business.

Related: Watch: Facebook fuels kiddie clothing business to the tune of $20 million

She recently traveled to towns in Alabama and Illinois to speak with small business owners. People told her they don't think politicians speak directly to them when they promise to help small businesses, which need customers, loans, and assistance from local governments to attract interested people.

"People are struggling out there. Small businesses–people who aren't interested in enormous growth but they're interested in providing a life for their families and for the families of their employees," Ramberg said Friday on Morning Joe. "It's tough out there."

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Watch Ramberg's Morning Joe interview: