Can you 'destroy' this news quiz à la Lindsey Graham?

Take this nine-question quiz on the week's biggest news stories.

Scene from \"How to Destroy Your Cell Phone With Sen. Lindsey Graham\"

Republican senator and 2016 presidential candidate Lindsey Graham had an smashing comeback for Donald Trump after the real-estate mogul shared Graham's cell phone number at a campaign event this week. Can you "destroy" this quiz the way Graham destroyed his cell phone?

Give it your best shot.

The video was made after Trump read aloud Graham’s personal phone number while ridiculing him at a campaign stop in the senator’s home state.

Texas authorities admitted there were irregularities in the video, but attributed them to a technical glitch, not intentional editing.

New York’s labor commissioner Mario Musolino is set to review the recommendation; if he approves it, then it will become law.

“It is sure to bear fruit,” Hawking said about the initiative.

“To carry out these twin goals of fanning racial flames and exacting revenge, Roof further decided to seek out and murder African Americans because of their race," said Attorney General Loretta Lynch said at a press conference.

The average monthly benefit is $1,017.

Poverty can heighten the risk of a child's low-birth weight and, once a child is born, make them more likely to be exposed to toxins from inadequate housing and poor nutrition. 

The Cuban embassy raised its flag in Washington, D.C., but the U.S. won't raise its flag in Cuba until August. 

Hillary Clinton defended Planned Parenthood in light of the recent videos: "I think it is unfortunate that Planned Parenthood has been the object of such a concerted attack for so many years. And it’s really an attack against a woman’s right to chose.”