How much do you know about John Kasich?

Take this quiz to keep up with the sweet 16th Republican presidential candidate.

Republican 2016 presidential candidate John Kasich speaks at the First in the Nation Republican Leadership Conference in Nashua, N.H. on Apr. 18, 2015. 

Gov. John Kasich officially jumped in the 2016 presidential race on Tuesday. Take this quiz to keep up with the sweet 16th candidate in the Republican field. 

Kasich's governing state is a key swing state in presidential elections. 

Kasich concluded his letter to the president with: "P.S. If you’d like to discuss this letter further, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’ll make myself available. I’m a college student. I’ve got time. I’ll come to you.” 

Kasich was later elected to the U.S. House of Representatives where he represented Ohio's 12th district from 1983 to 2001.  

And that's not only position where Kasich doesn't quite line up with many of his Republican colleagues. 

Kasich did, however, drop out of the 2000 presidential race in the summer of 1999 and went on to endorse George W. Bush

Despite his support for Medicaid expansion -- he even told AP that repealing the Affordable Care Act is "not gonna happen" and that it has made "real improvements in people lives -- he later backtracked. "I don’t back Obamacare. I never have. I want it to be repealed," he said last fall.