Barack Obama and Jeb Bush agree: No peas in guacamole

The New York Times shared a novel recommendation: "Add green peas to your guacamole." From one benign suggestion, sprouted a massive of wave of backlash.


On Wednesday, The New York Times shared a novel recommendation: "Add green peas to your guacamole." From one benign suggestion, sprouted a massive of wave of backlash. Many readers were not pleased. 

The controversy grew so intense that political figures weighed in. It seems that not wanting peas in guacamole has the ability to unite Democrats and Republicans. 

Other 2016 hopefuls have yet to share their stance on whether peas belong in guacamole. (Why the silence? What are they hiding?) That left some Twitter users to speculate. 

The recipe even left some readers questioning the very integrity of the vaunted Gray Lady — albeit jokingly. 

Twitter users began using the hashtag #YouMightPutPeasGuacamoleIf to shame The New York Times and anyone who would think to alter the classic recipe by adding peas.

After all this, is The New York Times still a reputable journalistic source, given their controversial suggestion of adding peas to guacamole? Don’t bother asking this avocado. It can’t help you.