RNC distributes oddly deceptive fundraising mailer

A fake Republican primary ballot full of people who aren't running?


Tonight Rachel highlighted an unusual fundraising mailer sent out by the Republican National Committee in the form of a fake presidential primary ballot. Among the candidates included on the ballot are a lot of people who are not only not running for the Republican nomination, but who have explicitly said as much out loud and on the record.

The corresponding web page at the GOP.com site doesn't give much explanation as to why so many extra people have been added to the faux ballot, but does make it clear that the point is ultimately to raise money.

Images of the front and back of the mailer below.

(Have you received a political mailer you think we'd be interested to see? You can e-mail pictures of it to us at Rachel@msnbc.com or upload scans or pictures directly to us through this link.)
