Friday's Campaign Round-Up, 6.19.15

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

Today's installment of campaign-related news items that won't necessarily generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to political observers:
* Asked this week whether he would campaign alongside his brother, Jeb Bush replied, "I don't know. I don't know, we just started. But -- I'm -- I'm -- I'm-- you know, I'm George's brother, I love him. I know for me to be successful, this has to be about my ideas and about my life experience and about the future."
* We're still several weeks from Scott Walker's official campaign kickoff, but he has created a  "testing the waters" committee that allows him to legally raise money for his eventual presidential bid.
* Hillary Clinton told Jon Ralston yesterday that if she were a senator, she'd vote against the current fast-track trade bill, but she didn't take a firm stand on the larger trade agenda.
* The latest Quinnipiac poll shows Jeb Bush narrowly leading the Republicans' presidential field in his adopted home state of Florida with 20%, just ahead of fellow Floridian Marco Rubio's 18%. No other candidate reached double digits.
* In Ohio, Quinnipiac also shows Ohio Gov. John Kasich as the clear choice among Buckeye State Republicans with 19% support, 10 points ahead of Jeb Bush's 9%.
* In Pennsylvania, Quinnipiac's poll has what is effectively a four-way tie, with Rubio leading with 12%, followed by Rand Paul at 11%, and Jeb Bush and Ben Carson tied for third with 10% each.
* The latest Republican presidential hopeful to get caught in a plagiarism controversy is Mike Huckabee, whose columns from his tenure as Arkansas governor are now under scrutiny.
* Attendees to the annual convention of the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials hoped to see a forum for Republican presidential candidates. That didn't work out -- only Ben Carson showed up.
* And technically, Vice President Biden hasn't yet announced his 2016 plans, though he'll reportedly make a public declaration "prior to the beginning of August."