Another Secret Service headache and other headlines

Morning headlines: some new secret service officers at the White House did not have proper security clearances, Jeb super PAC likely to miss money target.


Secret Service officers at the White House lacked security clearances, officials say. (Washington Post)

Jeb Bush super PAC likely to miss its widely expected $100 million fundraising target. (Washington Post)

John Kasich hires two top Republican consultants (including the guy famous for the 'Demon Sheep' ad). (Politico)

Ted Cruz on what he would do in his first 100 days as president. (Washington Post)

Murder charge for woman who took abortion pill questioned. (AP)--Update: link fixed.

Court temporarily blocks release of 'Angola 3' prisoner. (AP)

In a commencement speech to classmates of Hadiya Pendleton, the First Lady urges students to transcend tragedy. (New York Times)

Glitch shifts position of International Space Station. (AP)

What are you reading this morning? Let us know in the comments, please.