#5Things: Lincoln

Ahead of former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee’s 2016 campaign announcement, José Díaz-Balart shares information about five famous “Lincolns.”


As the countdown continues for former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee's 2016 announcement, we at The Rundown made a countdown of our own with 5 Things: Lincoln!

  1. Our 16th President Abraham Lincoln was born in Hardin County, Kentucky in 1809. Later he moved to Illinois, the state he would represent in Congress before becoming president.
  2. The Lincoln Memorial, dedicated in 1992, is a 19-foot statue that commemorates the slain president. It was, of course, where Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his famous "I Have A Dream" speech.
  3. Although President Lincoln never drove a Lincoln Town Car, another president did: Calvin Coolidge was the first president ever to be driven around in the luxury car. Ford Motor Company discontinued the car in 2011.
  4. Lincoln, Nebraska: the capital of the Cornhusker State. It has a population of close to 270,000, making it the second-most populous city in Nebraska.
  5. Lincoln Logs: the original ones were the idea of John Lloyd Wright In 1924, son of architect Frank Lloyd Wright.