Let Me Start: The GOP's 'Clueless Caucus'

House Republicans passed a measure that bans all abortions after 22 weeks, a direct contradiction to Supreme Court rulings.

FILE – In this March 7, 2013, file photo the sun breaks through clouds over the U.S. Capitol in Washington. Daylight-saving time begins at 2 a.m. Sunday,...

House Republicans passed a measure that bans all abortions after 22 weeks, a direct contradiction to Supreme Court rulings. Considering this bill won't pass the Senate and has no chance of winning the president's signature even if it does pass the Senate, the GOP is simply catering to its base. Politico looks at the bigger picture, referring to the Republican party's "clueless caucus".

Even before he was a candidate for president, Barack Obama said there were no red states or blue states, just the United States. But according to The New York Times, President Obama hasn't set foot in six states, and only visited another seven once. And while that may a necessary evil of modern-day politicking, it's allowed dissent to fester in those ignored states.

With Republicans controlling how the congressional map is drawn, Politico writes about how this has become a lost decade for the Democrats.

Build Baby Build: A new study by the group Transportation for America finds that one in nine bridges is structurally deficient. Wouldn't it make sense to put Americans to work rebuilding our infrastructure?

With just one week to go before their special Senate election, Rep. Ed Markey and Republican Gabriel Gomez clashed in their final debate. And Gomez tried to reject Markey's efforts to link him to national conservatives.

Hillary Clinton tops both Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush in their home state of Florida, according to a new Quinnipiac poll.

Tonight on Hardball: Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, who's fighting back against attacks by the NRA after proposing very reasonable measures to close the gun show loophole and ensure virtually all gun sales include background checks.