June 16: Immigration, Southern politics, guns

On Sunday's Up with Steve Kornacki, the panel will be discussing the possible fate of the immigration bill and the political posturing surrounding it, whether t

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

On Sunday's Up with Steve Kornacki, the panel will be discussing the possible fate of the immigration bill and the political posturing surrounding it, whether the Democratic Party is extinct in the South, and also guns and Washington compromise. Joining Kornacki at the table will be:

Michelle Bernard, The Bernard Center for Women, Politics & Public Policy (@MichelleBernard)

Rick Perlstein, contributor, TheNation.com (@rickperlstein)

Roberto Lovato, writer/commentator, New America Media, co-founder, Presente.org (online Latino advocacy organization) (@robvato)

Tom Schaller, professor, University of Maryland Baltimore County, author “Whistling Past Dixie: How Democrats Can Win Without the South”  (@schaller67)

Abby Rapoport, staff writer, The American Prospect (@RaRapoport)