#click3 'Game Of Thrones' spawns 'Gaggle of Tantrums"



1.  A lot of people on the internet reacted to last night's episode of "Game of Thrones." We here at All In with Chris Hayes went ahead and picked the best of them.

2. Prestigious publication The Wall Street Journal  often reserves its stipple portraits for society’s elites. Joining the likes of Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey and Warren Buffett: famed internet feline Grumpy Cat (real name Tardar Sauce), featured in a profile for Friday's paper.

3. New York City kicked off its bike share program last weekend and the city streets were specked blue with riders atop "Citi Bikes." The program is pretty benign, just folks paying a sum of money to ride a bike from one designated location to another designated location. But some of the good people over at The Wall Street Journal see it a little differently. An interview conducted with WSJ editorial board member Dorothy Rabinowitz yields ridiculousness not even The Onion could dream up.

OMG dying theatlantic.com/national/archi… #click3